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​​For Braised Fennel
You need:

​2 fennel bulbs

1 onion​

2 garlic cloves

1 cup liquid (veg broth, I used olive juice & beer)

fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary)

salt & pepper ​

oil ​(coconut, olive)

​​​​Cashew Cream

​Preheat oven 325* Brown onions, garlic & herbs in oil over medium heat until tender. Wash, trim, core, and quarter the bulbs. Place in greased baking dish over top fresh herbs. Top with grilled onions. In the same pan as the onions, mix â€‹ cashew cream with 1/4 cup liquid until it becomes a sauce. Pour remaining liquid in baking dish. Drizzle cashew sauce over each piece. Cover and bake for 45 min. uncover and bake for another 15 min. Chop the dill from the top of fennel bulb for garnish.



Braised Fennel


Cashew Cream​

Click on pic for Recipe!

Braised Fennel


KoonBerrie Cooks

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